Must Love Dogs
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4:03 PM
My name is Vince and I live in Colorado. When I drink coffee a brown ring forms on my bottom lip. A similar ring forms on the mug. It's worth the hassle. I love my wife more today than yesterday and our kids are growing on us. I am a church planter with Acts 29 and I am in the process of planting The Town Church.
What eva!!! This was a great Chick flick. And I even took a chick who loved it...her pick would have been Four Brothers. But she was glad I chose the Chick Flick.
I suppose it is a good movie if you like really slow movies about having sex with anything that moves.
Wait...Why did a Documentary on Nuns get two thumbs up and The Chronicles of Narnia only got one? I have seen Narnia three times now and havent gotten bored with it yet...however, ther probably wont be a fourth viewing.
I like haveing sex with anything that moves...I mean I am from Mississippi. Although in my old age I prefer things that move really slow.
Special Word (Cletus 2.0 name guess) is izqypn
i thought the chronicles was well done but there were still a few scenes that looked a bit low budget. for instance, when the children are standing on the top of the cliff, clad in fur coats, you could almost see the green screen behind them. for the most part it was well done. on the narnia web site they recommend not reading the book before you go to see the movie. that is good advise. i think i have read the books too many times and had images in my head.
the penguins on the other hand was absolutely amazing. if one needs evidence of God - here it is. just let some evolutionist tell you that the penguins just know how to travel 70 miles over ice to find the perfect thickness of ice to breed and then travel 70 miles back several times to look for food - all of that came from an single cell organism or a huge explosion in the sky.
but anyway, back to the horrible movie about random sex...
Heres a sleeper movie for the Holiday Season that hasnt gotten much attention and there is no sex...well, not human at least.
Naomi Watts holds Kongs hand and that is about as steamy as it gets.
Special Word: wxlej
i haven't seen it yet and probably won't until it comes out on dvd. npr had good things to say about the movie - but they had good things to say about clinton.
If you and a couple of guys can go see Kong...do it while its in the theaters. It is one you need to see on the big screen. It is the first movie that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and made me say, "Holy Crap!!!"
And yes I was disheartend by the green screen in Narnia. There are a couple of other shots that could have been better.
'King Kong' was great.
Peter Jackson should just go ahead and remake 'The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe'. And 'Star Wars'.
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