Family Fun
This year we spent turkey time with my family. It was good to see the Black side of the family again. We met in Wisconsin (it's a long story). When my family arrived in the Taurus Truckster my dad mentioned something about having a cold. He was sniffly and sneezy. He awoke two mornings in a row with headaches. They eventually turned into migraines. This is something he generously passed through the genes into my noodle. I am not all that thankful but I was able to empathize with his pain. It may have been something in the gravy or it may have been the pain killer he was taking but for some reason he spent most of our time together wearing a pot on his head. Maybe this is some new form of alternative medicine. The day after the turkey celebration the ground was covered in three inches of white, fluffy snow. I quickly threw on my longhandles and neck scarf (as opposed to any other type of scarf) and took the boy out for some downhill sledding (as opposed to any other type of sledding). I am not sure that he really enjoyed the snow but he did enjoy the speed at which we were taking the hill. Before we reached the bottom of the hill he would shout "mowa" (translated: "more"), so up the slick snow we went for another run down the hill. We will be spending our winter in North Dakota (August-June) training for the new Olympic sport of father/son downhill sledding (as opposed to any other type of sledding).
After several attempts at a new downhill landspeed record we went inside to warm by the hot fire and the even hotter wife and mommy. It doesn't take long to thaw out with one look at those eyes.
We had a good time together as a family. We have much to be thankful for indeed. Next year Pancake Sinatra will be here to help us celebrate and hopefully he won't have to see his grandpa wearing that silly pot on his head.