Thursday, April 13, 2006

Modesty...Honestly? - Part 3

Speaking about 1 Timothy 2:9, John F. Mac Arthur says,

How does a woman discern the sometimes fine line between proper dress and dressing to be the center of attention? The answer starts in the intent of the heart. A woman should examine her motives and goals for the way she dresses. Is her intent to show the grace and beauty of womanhood? Is it to show her love and devotion to her husband and his goodness to her? Is it to reveal a humble heart devoted to worshiping God? Or is it to call attention to herself, and flaunt her wealth and beauty? Or worse, to attempt to allure men sexually? A woman who focuses on worshiping God will consider carefully how she is dressed, because her heart will dictate her wardrobe and appearance.


Cat said...

Possibly a woman will dress to make herself feel happy, and not let others dictate what she should wear

Vince said...

cat - that may very well be true and i don't see anything wrong with that so long as the clothes that make her happy are not immodest.

Vince said...

chriswoznitza - sorry i don't understand.

ricki said...

chiswoznitza is saying, "hi, i am chriswab from bottrop ... greetings.

Regarding the post - I suppose this is why some have the beehive hair, it's as if they are reaching toward the heavens. ;-)